What is Community Care?
Community care is caring for those who have no one else, whose resources are limited, or who are just our neighbors needing love. This isn’t something new. But it is something that’s uncomfortable. Caring for people we don’t know requires us to move past our comfort zone into the unknown. Here at New Story, we believe that saved people should serve people. With that core belief, how can we ignore the lost and hurting of our city even if it’s uncomfortable?

Our commitment to Biblical Justice
We believe that one of the primary calls on the life of a believer is to pursue biblical justice, which is characterized by generosity, equality, advocacy, and responsibility. Biblical justice has its ends in reconciliation and peace. It results in all parties flourishing and models Christ’s sacrifice of self-giving love for our neighbor. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus embodied and modeled that this call to biblical justice extends to every arena of life; we are called to do follow this example.
Biblical justice is rooted in the very character of God.
His mercy is demonstrated by treating people who are made in His image with the status and respect that matches them as image bearers, with a special concern for those who are vulnerable to mistreatment and marginalization. Motivated by the hope of Jesus’ return and His promise to make all things new, the Church bears witness to our good and just King as we live as a faithful presence, embodying truth and grace, wherever God has us
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fearless; plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17
Our Organization Partnerships
We focus on local missions and partnering with organizations that are helping bring about the justice of the King right here in our city. Check them out along with other resources below.
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