In Matthew 6, Jesus modeled a prayer that we are to pray where he said:
"Your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven."

And for us, this isn't just a prayer, it's actually our plan for this year. We have been going to the Lord in prayer asking God to give us vision for how He would move in and through us this year. Essentially asking, "God, how would you make us part of what you’re doing to make it in KC as in heaven?"
We believe that if we choose to be a gathering of Jesus followers that takes this seriously, we will see three things happen in 2025.

10 New Families

We believe we'll see 10 new families connect in here and join us in Ownership.
Connection is almost always the first step for people in following Jesus. In fact, having a connection with a person or with God is how most people even end up as a part of a church. That means that we can say with confidence that these 10 families that we will see join us in ownership this year are already connected to one of us. One of these families could be your one of your neighbors, co-workers, or friends that you’ve been close to for years - and your connection to them could be the very reason they connect in here.

10 Baptisms

We believe we'll see 10 people get baptized as they imitate the life of Jesus.
Rather than focusing on who said a prayer, walked an aisle, or raised a hand, we believe that we will see ten people go down into the water and publicly claim Jesus as the forgiver of their sins and leader of their life. 

10 One on One Discipleships

We believe we will see 10 people using their influence to disciple 10 other people.
We tend to overcomplicate discipleship, but discipleship is simply one person coming alongside another and saying, "Let's do this together." A majority of what
New Story does is focused around discipleship, but 1 on 1 allows for a relationship to lead to greater growth for both people. We have resources available to use that are accessible for all and can meet someone at their level in their spiritual journey.
Could God use you to help disciple others? Let us know below.
Do you want to start meeting with someone to grow in your relationship with Jesus?

God meant His church to be a movement of what He is doing, not a monument to what He has done.

What part do you want to play in what God is doing?

If we are going to see more and better followers of Jesus at New Story - if we are going to see more people following Jesus and more people growing in their relationship with Him - it means that that we all have a part to play. No one is exempt. So, what will your part be?

Who will I pray for, invest in, and invite?

Our urgency to answer this question tells us all we need to know about what part we want to play in what God is doing.
  • Who will you begin praying for today?
  • Who will you be actively investing in or building a relationship with today?
  • Who will you invite to sit with you this week?
Don’t bank on someone else – be part of the movement of God.
Our greatest threat is this thought

"Someone else will do it."

It's going to take all of us.
May we take this seriously 
so that we would see it

in Kansas City as it is in Heaven.